Let’s explore the ins and outs of salary sacrificing into your super and help you determine if it’s worth considering as part of your financial strategy.
We’re all familiar with the concept of super. It’s that portion of our salary that employers are required to contribute to a super fund on our behalf, with the goal of providing us with financial security in retirement.
But what not everyone is aware of, is that relying solely on your employer’s contributions might not be enough to ensure a comfortable retirement. That’s where salary sacrificing into super comes into play.
What is salary sacrificing into super?
Salary sacrificing into super involves redirecting a portion of your pre-tax salary into your super fund. Instead of receiving this portion as part of your take-home pay, it goes straight into your super account.
Here’s how it works:
The benefits of salary sacrificing into super
Things to consider before salary sacrificing into super
Is it worth salary sacrificing into super?
The answer depends on your individual financial circumstances and goals. Do you have outstanding debts or immediate financial needs that should take priority over extra super contributions? It’s crucial to have a solid financial foundation before diverting funds into super.
For many Australians, especially those who can afford to do so, salary sacrificing into super can be a highly effective way to boost retirement savings, enjoy tax benefits, and secure long-term financial stability.
Higher income earners tend to benefit more from salary sacrificing due to the potential for substantial tax savings but the benefits are not exclusive to that income bracket.
It is sensible to strike a balance that suits your overall financial plan and to stay informed about any changes in legislation or contribution caps. As your financial circumstances are unique to you, consider seeking professional advice to help you make the best decision for your future.
Source: MLC
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